Heav'n has no rage like love to hatred turn'd
Nor Hell a fury, like a woman scorn'd
Albert Einstein once said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” I must be out of my mind.

Here’s what I’ve learned from constantly “trying it one more time” with my ex (John Barber). I did it and learn't my lesson but you don’t have to....see if what I write below matches up with your circumstances...

1. There is no “courting” phase, or “honeymoon period.” All the cute stuff he did when he first met you isn’t quite the same the second…or third…or fourth time around. He knows you. He doesn’t need to impress you. He’s not trying to win you over. He isn’t always going to text you first.

2. All those memories you had that you reminisced on when you two broke up…well, you’ve been looking back with rose-coloured glasses. Everything wasn’t as awesome as you thought. He isn’t as funny as you remember. His angry face isn’t as cute as you thought it was. He’s not nearly as understanding. Those small little things he did that only “kinda, sorta bothered you” now grate on your every nerve. You start wondering if you can kill him and make it look like an accident.

3. There are a lot of promises about how “this time, it’ll be different.” It might be…but it probably won’t be, along with The promises that he's changed and there is only one person for him that he loves and always has and will. He never meant to hurt you and his kids blah blah blah - it’s bullshit.

4. You aren’t as tolerant. The same way as how he might not laugh as hard at your jokes is the same way you feel when he talks about how stressful his job is, how his life is so hard, how his family disowned him. At first, you were understanding and supportive. Now you’re rolling your eyes and muttering “get your shit together” under your breath you selfish pig.

5. Every time he doesn’t react how he use to, you’re upset that he’s changed. And every time he does the same shit he used to, you’re upset that he’s still the same.

6. His stupid-ass friends are still around. WHY are they still around? Between the drunks, the pothead, and the guy who think's he's Jesus reincarnated or a werewolf, you don’t even know why your ex hangs out with these losers.

7. His promises of how things will be different “in the future” don’t carry the same weight. It is the future and shit is looking real bleak - just the same as it was before.

8. Your friends don’t want to hear about it any more. You’ve taken him back countless times for years. They’re bored of hearing it. They roll their eyes when you talk. They’ve taken to calling your ex “that prick??”

9. He use to be “the one that I’m going to marry” and slowly, he’s become “I mean…maybe we just aren’t meant to be, you know? If we’re meant to be, we should be happy together. But maybe we’ve grown apart? Like…does he even KNOW me anymore?”

10. Just because you've seen ex's get back together and seen things work out between them and they go on to get married, kids - the whole shabuzzle, doesn't mean you won't ever find your perfect man. My ex and your ex obviously are NOT our perfect man but believe you, me....he's out there!Somewhere!

Exes are important because they teach you things. In each relationship you’ve been in, you’ve learned how to deal with other people, be compassionate, how to put someone else’s needs before your own, and most importantly, what you are and are not looking for in a partner. However, you can’t use any of this knowledge that you worked so very hard for if you’re always reliving the same relationship. So let go. It might be hard at first, but I promise, there’s better and more for you out there. You’re ex isn’t it.

My lovely Valentines Day flowers from John

My lovely Valentines Day flowers from John

Get Your Ex Back

So, you went through a tough breakup? There was a big fight and your boyfriend and you just 
decided that you would be better off going your separate ways. There's just one problem, after 

So, you went through a tough breakup? There was a big fight and your boyfriend and you just decided that you would be better off going your separate ways. There's just one problem, after some time has passed you realized that you want him back but how do you go about doing that? Well, this article is going to give you a step by step method for getting you ex boyfriend back for good!


  1. 1
    Before you do anything you need to initiate a No Contact Rule. You are not going to get your ex boyfriend back by begging him, calling him or texting him 24/7. What you need to do is take some time for yourself. Experts say 30 days of not contacting or even speaking to your ex is what gets the best results so keep that in mind as you embark on your journey.
  2. 2
    Become the best version of yourself. You can't just sit on your bottom all day waiting for the No Contact rule to end. The healthiest thing you can do is get up and do something productive. For example, if you feel you could be in better shape, get a gym membership and get in shape. If you feel that your wardrobe needs to be updated then go out and buy new clothes. I think you get the picture!
  3. 3
    After the no contact rule is over you can contact your ex. Probably the least threatening way that you can contact your ex boyfriend is to text him. However, you need to make your first text to him so interesting that he has no choice but to respond. A simple "hey" or "hello" will not do.
  4. 4
    Texting back and forth with your ex is a subtle art form. Make sure that you are careful not to go too fast. In fact, most people think that going fast is the way to go but in fact it is the exact opposite. When texting make sure you manage your expectations. Don't expect to get back together in a day. It is going to take some time.
  5. 5
    When the time is right ask for a "meet up" if he hasn't already. Preferably he will be the one to suggest it but if he doesn't then you might need to take things into your own hands. Experts recommend a phone call for this. Make sure the phone call is sweet and simple!
  6. 6
    During the meet up make sure you keep things simple. Again, your intention is not to fall apart the second you see him. Stay composed and talk about your relationship when the time is right. Also, don't invite him to a place that will make him overly nervous. Something as simple as lunch or coffee is ideal!
  7. TIPS
  8. How To Get An Ex Boyfriend Back For Good!

    • When you text your ex try to avoid one word texts. Every single text needs to be sacred and have a meaning behind it.
    • Remember, attractive behavior does not consist of someone stalking or overstepping their boundaries.
    • Be careful about getting back together with someone who has cheated on you. Not only is this a betrayal of your heart but a betrayal of your trust.
    • Before you start any type of journey to get him back be sure that it is truly what you want. Sometimes if you look at things in the long run a certain person is not someone that you want to be with.
    • It's ok to ask around about what he is saying about you but don't be disappointed if the answer is not what you wanted to hear.
WARNING: You MUST watch this video all the way to the end to get your 
ex boyfriend back. 

Watch the video on this page and learn how to use tiny little text messages sent from the mobile phone you have in your pocket right now to crawl deep into your ex boyfriend's or ex husband's mind and reawaken his passion, love and desire for you literally at the push of a button. Even if your ex boyfriend won't answer your calls, emails or texts now, you'll be amazed at how quickly his attitude towards you changes once you learn these simple secrets. The techniques in this video are so simple ANY woman can use them to get astonishing results 
in shockingly little time. Just imagine what will happen when he calls YOU begging you to get back together because you used these simple techniques.
Click Here!

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